Ross was a tremendous resource to me as I embarked on a self-appraisal of my career goals and objectives. He provided practical advice and provoked thoughtful self-exploration and assessment. With Ross’s…
Lead Others by Living Your Values
A recent study of 170 managers and executives found that the topic of values in organizations was considered important by 86 percent of the survey participants. 90 percent of participants…
Leadership Legacy Starts Today
How do you want to be remembered? What will people say about you when you reach the end of your leadership career? Your leadership legacy is a reflection of the…
It’s Okay to Admit You Screwed Up
Mistakes are part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. -Al Franken One…
He made the first step!
[push h=”20″]Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas, and…
Your Record of Success
You have accomplished more in your life than you give yourself credit for and I can prove it. We all underplay or forget about many of the accomplishments we have…