Speaking Testimonials

“Your talk was great, something every corporation needs to hear”
Robin Shear
Keynote speaker, joy coach, bestselling author
"Ross did a great job capturing our attention at the beginning of his story and then using that moment to talk to us about the change he would like to see. I loved the physicality he brought to his story- getting on the floor and getting back up. I also loved his cadence at different parts of his story. "
NSA Storytelling competition testimonial
"Wow Ross. What a powerful story. Never lose the emotional connection with the audience when you share this story. Beautifully told."
NSA Storytelling competition testimonial
"Great volume, tone, emphasis, movement. Appropriate inject of humor into serious topic. Unique twist on diversifying the workforce and bringing care giver perspective to the culture. Work place culture is super important. For less you and your wife."
NSA Storytelling competition testimonial
"You are an INCREDIBLE Speaker. I gained so many things from hearing your story today. Things that will have a positive impact on my life. Thank you."
NSA Storytelling competition testimonial
"Ross captured me from the start talking about his wife. Once he transitioned to his message I was very interested in his life as a at home care person for his wife. Overal,l a very informative talk. Powerful and inspirational personal account of challenges of caregivers in the workplace and the value they bring to their organizations."
NSA Storytelling competition testimonial
"High emotional impact and deeply vulnerable. I felt it in my bones. And the laying on the ground was a beautiful display of truth."
NSA Storytelling competition testimonial