There are 26 million family caregivers in the workforce. They are in every organization. They are millennials with children and a sibling with Down’s syndrome. They are X gens caring…
Strength of Vulnerable Leaders
Vulnerable leaders inspire, are more authentic, and build bonds that lead to increased performance. Check out the blog HERE.
Take Yourself from Good to Great in 2016
I recently finished re-reading Jim Collins best seller From Good To Great. Collins and his team spent several years researching the difference between good companies that remain plateaued where they…
Are you REALLY Okay With failure?
“Beethoven can write music, thank God, because he can’t do anything else!” – Ludwig van Beethoven Beethoven was not an impressive musician in his early years. His teachers at school…
Are You Making Leadership Deposits or Withdrawals?
We live in a “me” centered culture. We are taught to make sure that we look out for number one. We are in charge of our own careers and consequently…
When Silence is NOT Golden
A friend recently shared with me his concern about how his CEO has managed to shut down free flowing discussion in the organization. This CEO uses fear and intimidation to…