“If only I could be in charge for a day.” “If I was running this place things would be different.” Most of us have heard, thought or said…
Workplace Autonomy (Part 3)
In which organization would you rather work? Organization A has a traditional top-down management style in which leaders determine the vision and assign tasks to managers and team members.…
Workplace Autonomy (Part 2)
I recently coached an executive who was referred to me because his micromanaging ways were driving his team members nuts. It was clear from the start of our sessions that…
Workplace Autonomy (Part1)
Have you ever known anyone who likes working for a micromanager? I didn’t think so. Experts agree that workers who feel free to make choices, while still being held accountable…
Conversations into Growth
I once told one of my star performers that if everybody was like her, people like me wouldn’t have jobs. That may have been a bit of a stretch,…
A Finishing Kick for 2012
I love the end of the year for lots of reasons. Personally, I look forward to spending time with family and annual meals out with friends over the holiday season.…