I recently coached an executive who was referred to me because his micromanaging ways were driving his team members nuts. It was clear from the start of our sessions that…
Tag: success tip
Workplace Autonomy (Part1)
Have you ever known anyone who likes working for a micromanager? I didn’t think so. Experts agree that workers who feel free to make choices, while still being held accountable…
Back to the Basics
I recently had lunch with a friend who has enjoyed a highly successful career in residential real estate. It’s no secret that Michigan’s deep recession hit the housing industry…
Where’s the Passion?
I once heard a story about an employee in a tire store who loved his job. Some people might think fixing and replacing tires all day isn’t much of a…
What Motivates Employees?
Every person is different when it comes to motivation. Some people have a genuine passion for their work. Others may view the job as a means to receive a…
Wanna Manage Time Better?
Stress in inevitable in life. Stress on the job is a given. Research shows that for most people, our jobs are the number one source of stress in our…